You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
Founded by Lyle Railsback, France+Western seeks out great unknown wines from small growers in France, Italy, and Austria to then champion them with the help of the best restaurants and wine shops in America.
Born in Santa Ana, California, Lyle grew up between California, Oregon, Colorado, Kansas, and Washington, DC. After ten years in restaurants, washing dishes, cooking, bussing, waiting tables, working as a sommelier, and then writing wine lists and working in wine retail. Then moving into wine distribution and importing, he spent the next 14 years between Winebow and Kermit Lynch Wine Merchant.
During annual trips to France and Italy, he fell in love with their wine culture, and simultaneously into making wines in California’s Santa Ynez Valley with his brother, Eric. After encouragement from his mentor, Bruce Neyers, he began importing wines under his own label, “France+Western.”
Lyle also does artwork, and after years in the wine business finally found a way to put his college degree in painting and Japanese pottery to work in designing many of the wine labels he produces and imports.
He lives in New York City with his wife, Victoria, and daughter Simone.
A lesson in winter pruning in Ambonnay.